To stretch means to make something longer or wider. You can stretch a rubber band, a piece of gum, or even your own arms and legs. Stretching can be fun, and it's also good for your body. When you stretch, you help your muscles stay healthy and strong. You can stretch before you exercise, or you can stretch just for fun.
The cat stretched its legs.
Noun: stretch (plural: stretches).
Verb: to stretch.
Adjective: stretchy.
Adverb: stretchily.
The word "stretch" comes from the Old English word "streccan", which means "to extend". It was first used in English in the 8th century.
The word "to stretch" means to extend something by pulling it. It can also mean to extend something in time or space.
The word "stretchy" means that something can be stretched.
The word "stretchily" means in a stretchy way.
What materials can be stretched?