Science experiments at home or in class

Developing Experts provides a comprehensive library of online science lessons complete with presentations, interviews with experts, lesson plans, handouts and more

Our storytelling approach supported with science experiments at home or in class and fun science quizzes, ensure every learner has access to outstanding lesson content, fully mapped against the National Curriculum, International Baccalaureate, Curriculum of Excellence and Cambridge primary curriculum.

Take a look at our science lessons

What to expect from our science curriculum?

  • Sequenced and mapped against the National Curriculum and AQA, with a focus on prior learning
  • Lessons plans, handouts, unit tests, unit knowledge organisers, before and after tests and presentations
  • Fully resourced, editable lessons and assessment tools
  • A focus on ‘working scientifically skills’ through investigations and practical activities
  • Quizzes to assess understanding for effective retrieval practice
  • Key scientific vocabulary, with words from tiers 1 - 3
  • Activities to encourage higher order thinking and link scientific concepts to the real world
  • Support for science leaders through progression documents, curriculum maps, an OFSTED pack and free CPD sessions
  • Links to the world of STEM and careers, with personalised career guidance

Engage, Learn, Reward

Developing long-term memory

Pupils and parents can revisit lesson content frequently in the days following each science lesson or experiment to commit knowledge and skills to long-term memory.

Our pupil and parent dashboard helps you engage with your parents, allowing them to join in their child's learning experience. Our customers tell us that this has been an ideal vehicle to help develop English language skills for all.

As pupils spend time on the system mastering content, rewards are given to encourage engagement.

CPD Film Library

Professional Development Resources

We are delighted to be working with leading scientists from the Norwich Research Park, the University of Maine's Darling Center, and Nottingham Trent University.

Our library also gives you access to leading educationalists such as Dr. E. D. Hirsch, Doug Lemov, and Mary Myatt, who provide stimulus films designed to engage teachers in professional debate by exploring a range of subjects.

Engaging Science Lessons

Story-Driven Science and Hands-On Learning

Our storytelling approach, supported with science experiments at home or in class and fun science quizzes, ensures every learner has access to outstanding lesson content, fully mapped against the National Curriculum, International Baccalaureate, Curriculum of Excellence, and Cambridge Primary Curriculum.

We embrace a hands-on learning experience delivered through a range of fully demonstrated practical science experiments. These are designed to develop learners' understanding through a variance theory approach, enabling learners to explore each concept taught in multiple ways.

Who we work with

We are proud to work with a variety of businesses across the STEM sector whose sponsorship makes our curriculum affordable to schools. Our lessons are the perfect way to highlight careers and inspire the next generation to consider a future in STEM.

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