A fraction is a part of a whole. It is written as a numerator and a denominator, separated by a fraction line. The numerator is the number of parts we have, and the denominator is the total number of parts.
For example, the fraction 1/2 means that we have 1 out of 2 parts. We can also write this fraction as 1 divided by 2, or 1/2.
Fractions can be used to represent many different things, such as parts of a pizza, slices of pie, or even parts of our day.
One-half is a fraction.
Noun: fraction, fractions.
Adjective: fractional.
Verb: fractionate, fractionated, fractionating.
The word "fraction" comes from the Latin word fractus, which means "broken" or "divided". The Latin word fractus is made up of the verb frangere, which means "to break", and the suffix -tus, which indicates a past participle.
What is a fraction?