To emulsify means to mix two liquids that normally do not mix together. For example, oil and water do not mix together, but if you add an emulsifier, such as soap or egg yolk, you can make them mix together.
An emulsion is a mixture of two liquids that are normally immiscible, meaning they do not mix together. The emulsifier helps to keep the two liquids from separating.
Emulsions are used in many different products, such as mayonnaise, salad dressing, and sunscreen. They are also used in the food industry to make products that are more stable and have a longer shelf life.
Emulsions are used in a variety of products, such as milk, mayonnaise, and paints.
Noun: emulsion, emulsification.
Adjective: emulsive.
Verb: to emulsify.
Synonyms: blend, mix, combine.
Antonyms: separate, divide, segregate.
The word "emulsify" comes from the Latin word emulgere, which means "to milk out". The word emulgere is made up of two Latin words: e (out) and mulgere (to milk).
What does emulsify mean?