A decibel is a unit of measurement that tells you how loud a sound is. The louder the sound, the higher the decibel level.
The decibel level of the concert was too loud.
Noun: A decibel is a unit of measurement for sound intensity.
Adjective: Decibel-related terms include "decibel level" and "decibel scale.".
Adverb: The word "decibels" can be used as an adverb to indicate a sound level. For example, you might say that "the concert was so loud it was painful to listen to at 110 decibels.".
The word "decibel" is a portmanteau of the Latin word "decem", which means "ten", and the word "bel", which is a unit of measurement for sound intensity that was named after Alexander Graham Bell.
How many decibels is the sound of a motorcycle?