A circuit is a path that electricity can flow through. It is made up of wires, switches, and other electrical components.
Electricity is a form of energy that can be used to power devices. It flows through wires in a circuit, and it can be turned on or off with switches.
Circuits can be simple or complex. A simple circuit might have just a few wires and a switch. A complex circuit might have many wires, switches, and other components.
Circuits are used in all sorts of devices, including lights, radios, and computers. They are essential for the way we live today.
Imagine that you are a water main. The water main is like a circuit. It is a path that water can flow through. The water main has pipes, valves, and other components that control the flow of water. A circuit is like a water main. It is a path that electricity can flow through. The circuit has wires, switches, and other components that control the flow of electricity.
The electrical circuit was faulty, causing the lights to flicker.
Noun: circuit (plural: circuits).
Adjective: circuitous.
Verb: to circuit.
Adverb: circuitously.
The word "circuit" comes from the Latin word "circuitus", which means "a going round". The word "circuitus" is made up of the words "circum" (meaning "around") and "ire" (meaning "to go").
What travels through an electric circuit?