A bond is a connection between two things. In science, a bond is a connection between two atoms.
Bonds are important because they hold atoms together to form molecules.
There are different types of bonds, such as ionic bonds and covalent bonds.
The glue bonded the two materials together.
bond (a connection between two or more things).
bond (a type of financial security).
bond (a chemical bond).
bonded (joined or connected by a bond).
bonding (the act of forming a bond).
to bond (to form a bond).
to bond (to join or connect things by a bond).
The word "bond" has a long and interesting etymology. It comes from the Old English word bond, which means "a tie or fastening." The Old English word bond is thought to be related to the Proto-Germanic word band, which also means "a tie or fastening.".
What does the word bond mean?