Arc is a curve that is part of a circle. It is a shorter distance than the full circle, but it still has all the same properties of a circle.
Arcs are used in many different ways in science. For example, they are used to measure the size of the Earth, to design bridges, and to make telescopes.
Here are some examples of arcs:
The lightning arced across the sky, illuminating the landscape for a brief moment.
Noun: arc.
Adjective: arced, arcing.
Verb: arc, arc over, arc up.
Synonyms: curve, bend, bow, semicircle.
Antonyms: straight line, curve.
The word "arc" comes from the Latin word arcus, which means "bow" or "arch." The Latin word is derived from the Proto-Indo-European root arḱ-, which means "to bend.".
What is an arc?