This unit is mapped against the AQA science specification. The unit can be sequenced flexibly, but there is an assumption in the creation of the units that knowledge in any given year is building on units from previous years.
The substantive knowledge (i.e. the science content) taught in this unit, and the disciplinary knowledge (i.e. working scientifically) is taught in context. Hierarchical elements of working scientifically are reflected in the unit and therefore is built up accordingly. While this will take account of prior learning assumptions from the previous key stage, or units, there will also be reminders of prompts and scaffolds to help pupils.
Developing Experts seeks to support schools to deliver the National Curriculum to children. Our choice of what to teach is primarily guided by the content specified in the National Curriculum, but we have also chosen to broaden this to increase challenge and build aspiration. we achieve this by exploring the application of concepts learned in the classroom in the world of work.
We are delighted that Rolls Royce SMR has sponsored this unit. Rolls-Royce SMR, are clean energy pioneers with a radically different approach to delivering new nuclear power. They are developing nuclear technology and know-how to offer a low cost, deliverable, global and scalable and investable solution, that can be rolled out around the world.
Their origins are deeply embedded in Rolls-Royce and their world class nuclear and manufacturing heritage.