Nature and the Environment

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Unit Summary

This unit builds on the programme of study for the National Curriculum, with a real focus on the environment and focuses on the world around us and the impact that humans have had on nature and different habitats.  Within the lesson sequence, learners will be exposed to various ecosystems and then consider the impact pollution has had on them.  From this point, children will be encouraged to think of solutions to help reduce pollution and conserve our vital resources, such as water. There is an opportunity to recall and expand on pupils' knowledge of habitats.

Developing Experts works closely with industry with the goal of ensuring that career choice is no longer left to chance, we are committed to connecting talent to local opportunity. The Gatsby Benchmarks, therefore, permeate our curriculum and careers library. Thames Water is committed to supporting young people to achieve their potential. You can find out about the careers and job vacancies at Thames Water and in our careers zone.

During this unit you will hear from the following industry experts:

          Name:                                  Job Title:

1.        Jane Clarke                         Nature Reserve Manager

2.       Iggy Pont                             Risk and Optimisation Coordinator

3.       Dina Gillespie                      Area Operations Manager

4.       Tracy Sacks                         Tracy Sacks

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This unit has been written by

Heather Bingham

Heather qualified with a first-class honours degree in climate science from the University of East Anglia. Since, she has joined Developing Experts as a writer and presenter, specialising in earth and environmental sciences.

She is also an internationally published science author, having written a series of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) digital textbooks aimed at improving learners’ understanding of English whilst igniting an interest in science.

Jonathan Badgery

Jonathan is a leading science writer and presenter. Having attended military school in the UK, Jon attended the University of East Anglia in the UK, where he gained his BSc in Chemical Physics. Following this, Jon completed his PGCE (Post-graduate Certificate of Education), teaching science and leading physics in large city secondary schools in the UK.

Jon is a passionate scientist and specialises in science communication; delivering CPD workshops, science lectures, shows and community science days.

Mike Linley

Mike studied zoology and botany at Durham University and followed this with 3 years of postgraduate study at Bristol University with the Science Research Council.

Mike uses his vast experience to add knowledge and engagement to Developing Experts, particularly within the disciplines of biology and zoology. He has over 20 years TV production experience, including writing and producing nature programmes for the Disney channel and, for a period of time, was Sir David Attenborough’s scientific advisor.

Paul Usher

Paul studied English Literature at Nottingham Trent University and gained his PGCE (Post-graduate Certificate of Education) at the University of East Anglia. Following this, Paul had a successful teaching career, leading English across two large secondary schools and then becoming Vice Principal. He has led several schemes in cross-curricular literacy and has also led teaching and learning in a school, overseeing teacher training and development. Paul has also lectured at universities for graduate teachers.

At Developing Experts, Paul oversees the strategic direction of the curriculum and uses his creativity to structure the teaching and learning strategy. He also edits for accuracy in literacy and liaises with translation services to ensure a high-quality end product.