Resources: pen, pencil
Handout: Look at the chart. In pairs analyse the data. What do you predict for this decade temperatures? Four columns 1 Decade, 2 Number of days spent at lowest temperature, 3. Number of days spent at highest temperature 4. Observation
The impact of warmer temperature might mean more days at the beach but, there are serious consequences that need to be considered. Look at the list of possible consequences for climate change. Using the diamond rank, them in the order you see as having the most damaging impact. Be ready to explain your reasoning with the class.
Discuss what you think the term net zero carbon means.
Children learn that we all have an obligation to take responsibility for the world around us. We are all global citizens. Children learn how human influence has warmed the climate and discuss how we will all need to work harder to find ways to use cleaner technology to change the way we live every day. When more trees are planted it help reduce the amount of carbon released into the environment.
Expert Film: Victoria Lemmon works as the DWMP and Water Recycling Growth Manager at Anglian Water. Click on the tour to learn more about Victoria's job role.
Career Film:
Complete a recycling audit to measure your current use of water in your home and school. What does the data tell you and create an action plan to reduce the amount of water which needs to be recycled?
Create a graph to display your results. How can the data be helpful and what can you do to reduce the amount of energy you use?
Extension: Research the different consequences of climate change.
Challenge Task:
Write a paragraph which explains your reasoning for the rank order you have selected.
Discuss consequence is the most damaging. Reach a consensus as a class and provide your reason why.