Resources: pen, pencil
Handout: Handout contains energy calculation challenges to explore the output of energy created through poo power versus an alternative power and a survey to ascertain peoples’ attitudes towards ‘Poo Power’.
Ask pupils if they have ever seen a cow pat steaming? Discuss what could happen to the energy given off through a cow pat.
Ask the pupils to interview some of the older people about how sanitation and sanitation products have changed in their lifetime. Ask pupils to prepare a report of their findings. Carry out a survey amongst their family and/or peers to gauge their knowledge of Poo Power and their attitudes to using poo as a source of energy i.e. what do people think about it, what are their concerns, would they welcome the idea etc. This could be done in a broader context by seeking views on other sources of energy such as nuclear energy and wind power. Ask the pupils to prepare their findings using ICT for presentations to the class or to the whole school in an assembly.
Career Film: Emily Timmins works as the Director of Water Recycling at Anglian Water. Click on the tour to learn more about Emily's job role.
Expert Film: Ellie Henderson, a Community Education Manager at Anglian Water, talks about how Anglian Water is using 'Poo Power' as a renewable energy source.
Complete a survey to ascertain peoples’ attitudes towards ‘Poo Power’.
Use the results of your survey as the basis of a presentation which could be shared with your form group or an assembly.
Challenge Task:
Plan a campaign to make people more aware of the advantages of ‘Poo Power’.
Discuss how could poo power be utilised more effectively.