Developing Experts support the UEA Science Communication Module

Last week, Sam, Heather and Jon visited the University of East Anglia as guest speakers for the undergraduate science communication module

Last week Developing Experts sent our in-house scientists Sam, Heather and Jon to the University of East Anglia as guest speakers for the undergraduate science communication module.

They spoke to students about the online resources being created by Developing Experts and how their varied career backgrounds have helped them develop the skills necessary to succeed in their current roles. They also shared their top tips for making science videos, detailed below:

1. Plan carefully and practice beforehand

2. Tailor the content to your chosen audience

3. Consider a variety of filming angles, always thinking about clear framing and good sound quality

4. Think about how graphics and images could enhance the viewing experience

The event was a great opportunity to engage with students studying science and to discuss the importance of science communication and science education.

As part of this collaboration, Developing Experts are also hosting an undergraduate project student who is working closely with the curriculum team over the next few months to develop a series of Key Stage 4 lessons on the topic of ecology.