Celebrating Roald Dahl Story Day: Exploring 'George's Marvellous Medicine' in Primary School

What to teach on Roald Dahl story day

Roald Dahl Story Day, which takes place this year on September 13th, is a magical occasion for primary school teachers to celebrate the imaginative world of one of the most beloved children's authors. This year, Developing Experts are diving into the whimsical world of George's Marvellous Medicine. The story revolves around a young boy named George Kranky, who lives on a farm with his abusive and cantankerous grandmother, Grandma Kranky. George becomes fed up with his grandmother's constant demands and mistreatment, so he decides to create a special medicine to teach her a lesson.

In an effort to concoct a magical potion, George mixes a variety of household items and substances, creating a concoction that he hopes will improve his grandmother's disposition. However, things take an unexpected turn when he administers the medicine to Grandma Kranky, and she undergoes a series of astonishing and absurd transformations. This blog post will provide you with creative ways to explore the themes of this classic Roald Dahl tale in the classroom and engage young minds with fun activities.

1. The Magic of Mixtures

In "George's Marvellous Medicine," George concocts a fantastical potion using a variety of ingredients. This theme offers a fantastic opportunity to introduce children to the world of chemistry in a playful and creative manner. Gather a selection of safe household ingredients (like baking soda, vinegar, food colouring, and soap) and let your students experiment by mixing them together. Encourage them to record their observations and the reactions that occur. This hands-on activity not only reinforces scientific concepts but also sparks their imagination, just like George!

2. Character Exploration

Dahl's characters are always unforgettable, and George is no exception. His adventures and quirks make him a perfect character for young readers to analyse and connect with. Have your students create character profiles for George and other characters from the story. Ask them to describe their appearance, personality traits and motivations. This activity promotes comprehension and encourages students to think critically about the characters' actions and decisions.

3. The Power of Words

Roald Dahl's writing style is captivating, and his use of language is both entertaining and educational. Take advantage of this by exploring vocabulary and language in "George's Marvellous Medicine." Create a "Dahl Dictionary" with unusual words and phrases found in the book. Challenge your students to define these words, use them in sentences, and even invent their own whimsical words. This activity enhances their vocabulary and encourages creative language use.

4. Creative Writing

Roald Dahl's stories are known for their imagination and humour. Encourage your students to tap into their own creativity and storytelling skills inspired by "George's Marvellous Medicine." After reading the book, ask your students to rewrite the ending of the story. How do they imagine the events unfolding differently? This activity promotes critical thinking and allows students to express their creativity through writing.

5. The Importance of Morals

Many of Dahl's stories contain valuable life lessons and morals. "George's Marvellous Medicine" is no exception, with themes of curiosity, consequences and family relationships. Engage your students in a discussion about the moral dilemmas presented in the book. Encourage them to think about the consequences of George's actions and what they can learn from his experiences. This activity promotes moral reasoning and empathy.

Let the magic of Roald Dahl inspire your classroom on this special day!